The gospel is the heart of the Christian faith. It is the good news of what Christ accomplished for us through his death and resurrection. Out of his immeasurable love, Jesus willingly gave his life to rescue us from our sins and open the door to a relationship with him. We are saved by trusting Christ as our Savior and Lord of our lives.  Our salvation is a gift of God's grace; we are not saved by our efforts to impress God or prove how morally deserving we are of his love. Jesus already definitively proved his love for us on the cross.


Our lives of faith, including obedience to God's commands, are a joyful response to what he already did for us.  The gospel, therefore, is our primary lens of faith. The Apostle Paul said it this way in Galatians 2:20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 


We are a Christ-centered, interdenominational church. What does it mean to be interdenominational? It's similar to nondenominational in the sense that we are an independent congregation with no formal ties to a denomination. In contrast to nondenominational churches, however, we actively celebrate the mosaic of denominational backgrounds represented among our congregation (not unlike interdenominational Christian colleges that cultivate denominational diversity in their student bodies). Since our founding, we have had senior and associate pastors from Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and nondenominational backgrounds. 


We resonate with C.S. Lewis' words in his preface to Mere Christianity where he states that his main concerns are the beliefs that have
"been common to nearly all Christians at all times." While many of us at CCLW have opinions on secondary matters of faith, we hold those
views lightly and try to stay focused on what concerns all Christians: growing in Christlikeness, trusting God in all areas of our lives, loving our neighbors well, and serving as Christ’s ambassadors to a watching – and often hurting – world. 


Our Mission Statement: We exist to reach every generation with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

The church began in 1973 with an Easter service organized by a small group of laypeople and attended by around 200 locals and visitors. This inspired a dream for an interdenominational church called River Hills Community Church. In the half century since that Easter morning, our church has - by God's grace - played a consistent and vital role in serving the spiritual and material needs of the Lake Wylie/Clover area. In the hopes of reaching more of the community than the immediate vicinity of River Hills, in 2019 the church was renamed Community Church at Lake Wylie (CCLW). 


Click here to read our CCLW covenant
Click here for our essential beliefs